About Melanie

    Melanie is a coder at heart and a dedicated data engineering professional.
    She was also a member of the Data Science Research Lab during her graduate studies in computer science.


    • Javascript and Golang
    • Scientific computing with Python (Numpy, Scipy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Tensorflow)
    • ETL stuff, Data science, applied machine learning, A.I., and big data analytics
    • Working on unstructured data on distributed systems


    • M. Kwon, M. Kuko, V. Martin, T. H. Kim, S. E. Martin, M. Pourhomayoun, “Multi-label Classification of Single and Clustered Cervical Cells Using Deep Convolutional Networks,” The 14th Int. Conference on Data Science (ICDATA’18), 2018. [Link to paper]

    Research Projects

    1. Applied Deep Learning for Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Cervical Cytology:
      • In partnership with pathologists of Los Angeles County + USC/Keck Hospital of USC, we aim to explore how the diagnostic performance of convolutional neural networks can be compared to the human-level expertise of licensed pathologists.

      Mohammad Pourhomayoun, Ph.D. Principal Investigator
      Sue Ellen Martin, MD, Ph.D. Principal Investigator
      Melanie Kwon, MSCS Research Project Manager
      Vanessa Martin, MD Co-Investigator
      Tae Hun Kim, MD Co-Investigator
      Adam Berman, MSCS Co-Investigator

    “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” – Henry Ford

    “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”
    – Benjamin Franklin